Sunday 28 February 2016

Bartolome Island - Pinnacle Rock and Beautiful Beaches

Bartolome Island; Pinnacle Rock
Bartolome Island; Pinnacle Rock
Photographed by AquaSurround
Bartholome Island has no human population, but is the home to one of the most recognized and photographed sites in all of the Galapagos Islands: Pinnacle Rock. The Island itself is located in Sullivan Bay to the east of Santiago Island. Because it offers such a spectacular view, most Galapagos travelers will find themselves enjoying the splendors of this island.

Steps on Bartolome with Galapagos Hawk Above
Steps on Bartolome with Galapagos Hawk Above
Photograph by AquaSurround
The Galapagos Conservancy has built a 600 meter wooden pathway with more than 300 steps to ensure that visitors are guided to the best spots with as little impact on the surrounding endemic vegetation, animal and birdlife as possible. Look carefully at the rock and lava formations on your way up the climb as you will see very interesting volcanic formations of spatter and tuff cones and lava flows.

steep stairs built on Bartolome, along with indications of the spatter cones from the volcano
Here is another photograph of the steep stairs built on Bartolome, along with indications of the spatter cones from the volcano that formed the island.

Pinnacle Rock, Bartolome, Galapagos
Pinnacle Rock itself is a distinctive volcanic cone, formed when magma was expelled from an underwater volcano. As the sea cooled the hot lava, it exploded and reformed into a huge rock consisting of many thin layers of basalt.

View from top of Bartolome Island, Galapagos
The view from the top is remarkable. Not only will one see Pinnacle Rock, but also views of the stunning black lava flows at Sullivan Bay and the rest of Santiago Island,

Beach and Shore Line on Bartolome Island, Galapagos
Beach and Shore Line on Bartolome Island
There are two beaches within walking distance from one another on Bartolome.  They are just as beautiful and enchanting as the view from the top of the island. The white crescent beach is lovely for a walk and is the nesting site for sea turtles. The nests can be seen near the top of the beach and are distinguished by their shape and the repetitive mounds of sand. A short walk through some endemic vegetation leads to another non-swimming beach with stingrays, Spotted Eagle Rays and Black-tipped Sharks.

Galapagos Penguin
On Bartolome, visitors will be delighted by bird watching and are likely to see Galapagos Penguins, herons and hawks. While snorkeling, White-tipped Sharks, penguins, sea turtles, rays and many tropical fish are likely to accompany you.

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