Saturday 27 February 2016

When to Visit Galapagos - Part One

Welcome to Galapagos!

Sea Lions Welcome You at Puerta Villamil, Isabela Island, Galapagos

There's never a bad time to visit Galapagos and October and November are no exception. Though it's considered to be low season here, I think it's a marvelous time for a visit. The weather is great. The sights are as beautiful as at any other time of year. The animals come out to play. The flora has many brilliant colors that you don't see at other times of the year. And, the sky and water are glorious shades of blue. Not only that, it's been my experience that there may be fewer passengers on the ships and visitors at the hotels, so you could get a great rate - to say nothing of extra one-on-one attention. It seems like a great time to schedule your trip.

What's the weather in October and November? Just beautiful. Outside temperature usually is 70-75 degrees and water temperature about 70-73 degrees. You might need a jacket at night, but the skies are clear and the stars shine brightly.

Rather than extol the virtues of Galapagos in this season, just take a look at a few photographs from my last trip and you'll immediately agree with me, this is a great time for a visit to the Galapagos Islands.

Some of our bird life

Juvenile Frigatebird

Male Frigatebird in Display

Frigatebird Flirting with the Females Overhead

Nazca Boobie

Red Footed Boobie

Beautiful and Exotic Landscapes

South Plaza

Colorful Cactus

From the top of Bartolome

Kicker Rock

Punta Pitt

Awesome Lava Formations
Pahohoe Lava

Tuft Cone

The Pathway Through Lava on Bartolome

Tuft Cone and Lava Against Bright Blue Sky


Glorious Blue Skies and Ocean

Snorkeling Location at Bartolome

We Snorkel all the way around Pinnacle Rock

San Cristobal View

Animals Like No Where Else in the Universe

Iguana on South Plazas Island

Sea Turtle on the Beach

So, the pictures speak for themselves. The Galapagos Islands are wonderful anytime of year.

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